Contemporary Expressionist Sarah Fenwick was born in Kenya. As an Anglo-Cypriot, she has a multicultural background with roots in Cyprus and England. She lives in Germany.

An artist’s skill and talent is to re-create the world.
Sarah Fenwick
Sarah is a multi-passionate artist with a background as an author and jazz singer. Her paintings are full of musical themes and she is keen to transform the big ideas of life and the universe into emotional and colourful visual art.

“I’m interested in artistic crossovers, where different elements become part of a whole performance. The crossroads where a face becomes part of a landscape and a tree or building become part of a dance.”
Sarah Fenwick
She started painting in her early 50s. Her education includes private art classes, voracious studying and practicing, informal training with art mentors, and continuous self-teaching.
She has exhibited at several solo shows in Cyprus and Germany. In 2021, Sarah joined a group exhibition of international artists at the Athens Open Art Show.
My art is about life’s beauty and meaning.
I’m interested in the beauty of synchronicity and creative energy that the cosmos pours into form, shape, matter, ether, time, and space, and their simultaneously painful and joyful transformation into ancient and new objects.
I paint portraits, landscapes, florals, still life, and abstracts. In a portrait, I seek the subject’s soul and energy. In a landscape, I explore nature’s ecstatic vibrations. Still life is a chance to reflect on how I feel about the moment. Abstracts are an opportunity to channel the energy around me into a visual representation of life force.
My work is mostly in acrylics on paper and canvas, and oils on canvas, but I love charcoal and pastels for their diffused marks.
Jazz music is one of my inspirations for its spontaneity, improvisational energy, and beauty.
I’m interested in artistic crossovers, where different elements become part of a whole performance. The crossroads where a face becomes part of a landscape and a tree or building become part of a dance. Where the light becomes a spotlight and you can hear music and rhythm in the flow of the paint. Where the paintbrush becomes an improvisational voice singing about a moment that brings together past, future, and present in a new yet familiar way.
The Arts bring nothing but good into this world
Read an article (in German) about Sarah’s work in Westfalen-Blatt.
Watch an interview with Paul Lambis on Culturescope at Sarah’s Jazz Club where Sarah talks about the connection between art and jazz.